Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I watched this documentary the other day. It has changed my life.

I simply can no longer be a part of a food chain that condones the abuse and downright torturous treatment and slaughter of God's defenseless, innocent creatures.

Whatever your belief system is, whatever your opinions on how the universe was created, or who, if anyone, was behind it all, I believe we all have the same general idea about it. The differences lie in the details that fit one's own version. I personally believe that a Supreme Perfect Being had a hand in creation, that it was "His" idea and doing in the first place that got this whole thing rolling. Where we went from there, or how long it took us to get here is anybody's guess. Insert your own belief system in there, trace your own path, but it's pretty clear to me that we all end up in the same place. We're on this big blue-green marble spinning around in space TOGETHER, and probably for a reason.

I believe that the overwhelming majority of religious and even spiritual belief systems have two central tenets in common: 1) There is something/someone "out there" that is bigger and better than us, and everything is a result of his/her/it's will. 2) We should be excellent to each other.

Even if you believe that the universe and everything in it was created simply by some random, massive, complicated chain of physical and chemical reactions, I don't know of anyone who will disagree with #2.

That's what I'm stuck on after viewing this documentary. I don't see the way we treat animals as "being excellent to them". Now, having my beliefs steeped in Judeo-Christianity, I do believe that humans have been purposely elevated to a higher position. (You may not, and that's fine for you.) I believe that along with our higher status, as well as our right to use the animals, vegetables, and minerals God has put at our disposal, comes a higher level of responsibility to be caretakers. Get it? TO "TAKE CARE". We, as a species, have completely failed in this responsibility. Sure the others are "lesser" species. I do not intend to convey upon them the same rights as humans, but being sentient (they feel pain, they are conscious of their own existence, they are aware) means that they do have some rights, in my book. They have the right to exist, to live (even if it's just to be our food) , but also to be treated with diginity and care.

I don't wish to tell anyone that they should no longer eat meat, or wear leather, or use animal products at all. I can't make you do that. Even if I were in a positon to, I would never mandate you do. What I do respectfully implore you to do is to take a serious evaluation of your principles, of your morality. Ask yourself "Is this right? Is this fair?" I answered "no" on both counts, in case you haven't already figured it out.

From this point forward, when it comes to food and sharing of recipes on this blog, they will mostly be of the vegetarian, even vegan variety. Truthfully, I will probably not go completely vegan myself. I will probably continue to eat meat and consume animal based products like dairy and eggs. I will make sure however, that what I do eat is as cruelty free as possible. There are ways, I've checked. I'll be sharing this with you in later posts. I think that there are many more people out there who would choose to go that route but are reluctant because they don't know how to prepare a lifetime's worth of meals without meat. I've done some checking, and let me tell you, you'd be amazed at what's out there. I must warn you that it will take more thought, planning and effort to cook and eat this way, but I think the end result will be worth it.

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